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Noxon ReservoirEnjoy Noxon Reservoir boat rentals, jet skis, and watercraft services at this lake in Libby, Montana.  You can camp, hike, bike, water ski, wakeboard, wake surf, kneeboard, wake skate, stand up paddle board, air chiar, tube and more!  This reservoir has old sunken roadbeds and huge shallow flats covered with stumps that always hold bass and sometimes, big pike in the 5-15 pound range and the spring time is great to catch fish on plugs, spinner baits and rubber worms, but as the season progresses, most folks shift to tube jigs and worms in smoke and gold fleck color schemes. 

Some good places to start looking include the bays of the tributaries, mid reservoir north of Marten Creek, directly across from North Shore Campground, the bass ponds at Trout Creek, Finley Flats and off the golf course downstream of Thompson Falls. Also enjoy Cabinet Gorge Reservoir which is close by.

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