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WatercraftOfficial information on watercraft rentals which may include boats, jet skis, or water sports equipment from Invert Sports.  We have three person watercraft rentals for your lake adventure at any one of lakes in the western states motorized approved lakes.  These water craft rentals are great for exploring the lake, pulling the kids on water tubes, jumping wakes, flyboard jet pack, and going fast across the water.  

These machines are a must on any lake vacation, family reunion, friend or business camping trip.  You will love the versatility of our watercraft rentals from Yamaha; they are powered by a 110 hp engine four stroke, three person fuel injection; with reverse!  We also carry the Yamaha 230 hp three person FX Sho, VXR and VXS model jet ski rentals for those who enjoy one of the fastest watercraft rentals on the water.

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