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Apache LakeInformation on Apache Lake, and all the water sport adventures, and watercraft rentals available at this lake in Arizona.  Formed by Horse Mesa Dam, Apache Lake is long and narrow and is the second largest Salt River Project lake.  It is located off the Apache Trail about 65 miles from Phoenix, and is a favorite with many sportsmen, particularly those from southern Arizona.  Bring your family, friends, or business group to enjoy wakeboarding, waterskiing, kneeboarding, wake surfing, tubing, wake skating, SUP, and air chair activities.

The Apache Lake Marina and Resort is one mile from the main highway and features a motel, gas station, coffee shop, picnic supplies and a trailer park for 12 units.  A boat ramp and dock are at the resort and available to the public.  Seven miles northeast of the resort is the Burnt Corral Recreation Site with 17 spaces for trailers and campers which are less than 17 feet long.  Apache Park area is open all year and has boat launching facilities, with jet ski rentals, waverunners, sea doo, and PWC personal watercraft tours and charters.

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