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Brownlee ReservoirVisitors guide and website to Brownlee Reservoir boat rentals and watercraft service company covering all marinas at the lake.   Brownlee is located near the Midwestern Idaho and southwestern Oregon borders and creates a spectacular location for boating, jet skis, boat tours, and water sport charters.  The reservoir is in the Snake River canyon, in a hilly and semiarid region.  The reservoir is also a ground for salmon spawning and used for recreation and domestic water supply to many communities.  The reservoir is through-flowing, since it has a relatively short residence time that varies from 15 to 70 days. 

The three major tributaries are the Snake River, Powder and Burnt Rivers.  The reservoir has turnover periods in the spring and in the fall so plan accordingly.  Brownlee Reservoir is a 58-mile long reservoir separating Idaho and Oregon was in many experts opinion the best warm water fishery in the western United States.  The Oregon State record small-mouth bass was caught at Hewitt Park in 1978.  Reservation for watercraft services are required in advance and are subject to availability.

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