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Buffalo Bill ReservoirOffering the most complete watercraft rental services at Buffalo Bill Reservoir on the Shoshone River about 6 miles upstream from Cody, Wyoming.  You can enjoy boats, jet skis, boat tours, and water sports on one of the first high concrete dams built in the United States with Invert Sports.  The main historic site is Buffalo Bill Dam, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.  Fishing open year-round which is pretty good and a Wyoming State fishing license required.  Fish types include rainbow trout, brown trout, lake trout (mackinaw), and cutthroat trout.

Good access at the shoreline roads and 3 boat ramps for your convenience.  Water surface covers approximately 8,000 acres of amazing recreational activities.  Additional blue-ribbon quality fishing available on Shoshone River above and below reservoir.  Available services include developed campsites and RV sites with dump stations, drinking water, tables, restrooms, wind screens, primitive campsites, and a new visitor center.  Hiking and horseback riding are well know in the area including; windsurfing, wakeboarding, water skiing, wakesurfing, and more.

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