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Lake SacajaweaVisitor source to Lake Sacajawea boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and watercraft tours at this beautiful location in southeastern Washington along the lower Snake River near the confluence of the Snake and Columbia Rivers where you can enjoy water fun and relaxation.  The landscape is characteristic of wide-open vistas with few trees, while the climate is arid.  Popular activities include boating, wakeboarding, wake surfing, tubing, kneeboarding, camping, swimming, water-skiing, hunting and fishing.  Recreation facilities range from full service campgrounds, marina, resort, picnic areas and undeveloped remote beaches. 

Migrating salmon and steelhead can be viewed at the Ice Harbor Dam Visitor Center located 3 miles down river from the park.  Lake Sacajawea, with a surface area of 9,200 acres of cool sparkling waters.  With seven developed recreational areas adjacent to Lake Sacajawea, there is easy access to the water.  The amenities in these areas include multiple boat ramps, public swimming areas, as well as campgrounds that offer rustic camp sites to sites that have electrical and water hookups.  Also information to Lake Herbert G West.  If you can only stay a day, then visit one of the day use picnic areas.  To get here travel 5.5 miles east of Burbank, WA, on Highway 124, 2.5 miles north on Monument Drive.

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