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Lake ChelanOfficial visitor guide to Lake Chelan boat rentals and jet ski company servicing all marina around the lake.  This lake is a narrow, 55-mile-long lake in Chelan County, northern Washington state in the United States.  It is the largest natural and freshwater lake in Washington state.  The lakes name means deep water.  Fed by streams from the Cascade Range, Lake Chelan has maximum depth of 1,486 feet, making it the third deepest lake in the country and the 25th deepest in the world.  The average width of the lake is one mile and it's a very popular lake to enjoy water sports, flyboards, boat tours, and waverunner rentals from Invert Sports.

The city of Chelan sits at the southeast tip of the lake, where its water flows into the Chelan River through the hydroelectric Lake Chelan Dam.  At the northwest end of the lake is the town of Stehekin, where the town's namesake river, the Stehekin River, flows into the lake.  The Stehekin is the lake's largest inflow stream.  Access to the far end of the lake is limited to boat, float plane, or hiking.  Lake Chelan State Park lies along the southern shore of the lake, and can be accessed from the city of Chelan by road; there are so many enjoyable activities in and around the lake with it's beautiful scenery in the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area.

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