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Lake OwyheeInformation on Lake Owyhee boat rentals, jet skis, boat tours, and water sports at this reservoir on the Owyhee River in Malheur County, Oregon.  Located in far Eastern part of the state near the Idaho border, the reservoir is Oregon's longest at 52 miles.  The 13,900-acre lake is home to several species of fish, including crappie, rainbow trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, yellow perch, and brown bullhead.  An artificial lake, it was created in 1932 with the completion of the Owyhee Dam.  Recreational activities include, water skiing, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, kneeboarding, tubing, air chair, stand up paddle boarding, and more! 

Seasonal Lake Owyhee State Park is located on the northeast shore and includes a boat ramp.  Breathtaking views of the Owyhee Mountains await.  A private water sport boat trip or vacation up the lake from the park is one of the many not-to-be-missed experiences in eastern Oregon.  Enjoy Bighorn sheep and pronghorn antelope live here, as do golden eagles, coyotes, mule deer, wild horses and possible mountain lions.  The road to Lake Owyhee Reservoir is a very scenic and picturesque drive, but please drive cautiously.  The main campground McCormack has 31 electric and 8 tent sites, showers, a boat ramp, tepees, a waste-water dump station, and more.  The Indian Creek campground has 26 electric sites, 9 primitive tent sites and a boat ramp.  The Gordon Gulch day-use area has a boat ramp and a large, shaded picnic area.

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