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John Martin ReservoirInformation visitor guide to John Martin boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and watercraft services at this reservoir in Colorado.  This peaceful lake paradise which people play, birds flock and wildlife roams.  The park is close to historic landmarks, yet remote enough to attract year-round nature and recreation lovers to stay and explore.  John Martin Reservoir provides uncrowded boating, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, boat tours, waterskiing, kneeboarding, wakeskating, stand up paddle boarding, and spectacular conditions for a wide variety of other outdoor adventures. 

The mild southeastern Colorado weather provides plenty of great days throughout the year.  Fishermen can catch walleye, saugeye, bass, wiper, crappie, perch, and catfish.  To get here from the east take U.S. Highway 50 west from Lamar approximately 20 miles to Hasty then turn south on school street and proceed approximately 2 miles.

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