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Lake PaterosOfficial information on Lake Pateros boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and boat tours on this reservoir on the Columbia River in the state of Washington.  This outdoor recreation adventure lake is fun for all water sport activities which can include; wakeboarding, water skiing, tubing, fishing, kneeboarding, air chair, wakesurfing, and wake skating.  Lake Pateros was created in 1967 with the construction of Wells Dam. 

The reservoir lies almost entirely in Douglas and Okanogan counties, although the dam itself lies partially in the easternmost portion of Chelan County. The reservoir stretches from there upstream to the Chief Joseph Dam.  Towns on Lake Pateros include Pateros and Brewster, Washington.   Lake Pateros has been known by many variant names, including Butler Lake, Chief Long Jim Lake, Fort Okanogan Lake, Lake Azwell, and others.

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