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North Fork ReservoirGuide to the best North Fork Reservoir watercraft rentals services for boats, jet skis, water sports, and tours.  The North Fork Clackamas River is a tributary, about 10 miles long, of the Clackamas River in the state of Oregon and makes for a great destination for outdoor motorized water sports for all ages.  Originating at nearly 4,000 feet above sea level on the west side of the Cascade Range, it flows westward through Mount Hood National Forest one of the most popular locations in the state.   It joins the Clackamas at North Fork Reservoir, about 32 miles from the larger river's confluence with the Willamette River. 

From source to mouth, the following tributaries enter the river: Dry Creek from the right bank, Boyer Creek from the left bank, then Whiskey, Bedford, Bee, and Fall creeks, all from the right.  Prominent landforms include Ladee Flats, a flat-topped ridge composed of lava flows resistant to erosion.  The North Fork valley map is narrow and steep, and a 50-foot waterfall 2.5 miles from the mouth limits passage of migratory fish and lots of wild life animals around the area.  Native rainbow and cutthroat trout are found in the upper river and its tributaries, while the lower river has winter and summer steelhead, coho salmon, spring chinook, and stocked rainbow trout near Promotory Park and Marina.  Our rental services must be reserved in advance so please plan ahead! 

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