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Lake TraverseOfficial provider of Lake Traverse boat rentals and watercraft services companies on the water at this lake located in Wheaton, Minnesota along the boundaries of western Minnesota, northeastern South Dakota and southeastern North Dakota.  It is composed of two dams, two lakes and the Browns Valley dike at the lower end of the area.  Lake Traverse is open throughout the year to enjoy all types of outdoor adventure sports.  In the summer, there is wakeboarding, fishing, boating, water-skiing, boat tours, picnicking and nature watching. 

Additionally, the cold winter days are nice for ice-fishing, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling.  Browns Valley Dike lies directly on the continental divide and the dams are unique to go visit.  This means all water north of the dike flows north to Hudson Bay and all water south of the dike flows south to eventually reach the Gulf of Mexico.  Recreation facilities at White Rock Dam, Reservation Control Dam and Browns Valley Dike include picnic areas, water sports, shoreline fishing areas and privies. The are eight to nine boat ramps along the lake and we service them all with our services; Clinch Park Marina, East Bay Harbor Marina, Edward C. Grace Memorial Harbor, Elk Rapids Marina, Elmwood Township Marina, Harbor West Marina, Leland Harbor, Northport Marina, and Suttons Bay Marina.

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