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Lake San AntonioVisitor guide and information on Lake San Antonio boat rentals, ski boats, and watercraft rentals.  Lake San Antonio is a quiet, relaxing vacation spot with power wakeboard boat rentals.  If you looking for a houseboat vacation lake look no further, you've found Lake San Antonio.  Lake San Antonio has several houseboat rentals located just feet from the lake, most with a spectacular view of the water. 

California boat rentals and charter service seat anywhere from ten people to eighteen people depending on the wakeboard boat model.  Making Lake San Antonio perfect for family reunions and special events.  Lake San Antonio has something to offer everyone including boating, jet ski rentals, waverunner rentals, swimming, wakeboard lessons, wake surf instruction, water ski lessons, lake tours, hiking, biking or just relaxing and enjoying the view.  Enjoy the South Shore Marina which has a lot of amenities you'll need when enjoying the outdoors at this beautiful lake.

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