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Adobe Creek Reservoir Enjoy visiting the Abobe Creek Reservoir boat rental and water sport company offering the best in Mastercraft boats, jet skis, and excursion boat tours.  This lake may appear to be just another shallow, bowl-shaped eastern reservoir in the state of Colorado but it has a lot to offer its visitors.  The island is closed during nesting in May and April.  Other recreational opportunities include boating, wakeboarding, tubing, jet skis, waterskiing, camping, and hiking. 

Facilities are limited to the two improved boat ramps, a low water ramp, parking areas, and restrooms so make advance reservation for any watercraft services you may be interested in.  Anglers can enjoy walleye, saugeye, largemouth bass, channel catfish, blue catfish, northern pike, bluegill, wiper, and tiger muskie.  This beautiful lake can accommodate all group sizes and parties of friends, family, or business adventure outing

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