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Pathfinder ReservoirInformation on beautiful Pathfinder Reservoir boat rentals, jet ski, water sports, tours, and watercraft services on the water.  The Pathfinder dam is in a granite canyon on the North Platte River about 3 miles below its junction with the Sweetwater River.  The reservoir has a large surface area to enjoy all types of boating activities.  There are 3 campgrounds with over 50 sited to enjoy the lake and 3 boat ramps. 

Available species include brown trout, cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, ohrid trout, and walleye for all you fishermen.  The Pathfinder Interpretive Center and 1.7 mile interpretive trail are located near the dam.  The interpretive trail may be accessed across the historic suspension bridge or from the dam.  Bring your family, friends, or business group to this beautiful marina and resort lake where you can enjoy wakeboarding, water skiing, tubing, wakesurfing, kneeboarding, wake skating, and fishing.

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