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American Falls ReservoirOfficial visitors guide to American Falls Reservoir boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and watercraft tour company at this 56,000 acre lake which is the largest reservoir on the Snake River in Idaho.  Highway 39 rides the top of the reservoir's 9-story-high dam for over half a mile and the lake can be seen stretching northeast as far as the horizon.  This is a popular visitor destination for outdoor re-creationist who love water sports and activities.  Our services include waverunners, flyboard jet packs, water skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, paddle boards, wakesurfing, and other boating adventures. 

There are three boat ramps at the southwest end of the reservoir, one north of the dam.  Parking, docks and fuel are available at the Seagull Bay Marina and resort, which is a fee ramp.  Parking, docks and camping are available at Willow Bay and at the West Side with boat ramp just north of the dam.  Sportsman's Park in Aberdeen has fee camping, picnicking, boat ramp day use & walking path. 

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