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Bighorn LakeOfficial water sport company servicing Bighorn Lake boat rentals, jet ski, boat tours, and waverunner rentals on the water.  This reservoir is located in Southern Montana and Northern Wyoming in the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area.  The lake is 40 miles south of Billings, Montana where you can enjoy camping, sightseeing, water skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, fly board, hiking, biking, and other recreational activities. 

Bighorn Lake was created by the construction of Yellowtail Dam near Fort Smith, Montana in 1965.  It stretches the entire 72 miles length of the Bighorn Canyon at full pool.  There are several marinas and resorts around the lake for convenience including the Ok-A-Beh Marina which is located near Fort Smith, Montana and Horseshoe Bend Marina which is near Lovell, Wyoming which we service with watercraft.

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