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Ashley LakeOffering the best in Ashley Lake boat rentals, jet ski, waverunners, and water sport adventure tours on this lake at an elevation of about 3,950 feet only a few miles west of Kalispell, MT.  Travel by road about 13 miles off of Hwy 2 on Ashley Lake Rd.  The lake is about 6 miles long and 2 miles wide with an average depth of 89 feet and a maximum depth of 225 feet creating a nice opportunity for outdoor water sports. 

At certain times of the day the Ashley Lake glimmers with an emerald colored hue that is quite beautiful and is credited to a unique sediment from the incoming creek.  Recreational boating includes water skiing, wakeboarding, watercraft, tubing, lake tours, quiet canoeing and fishing.  Ashley Lake has kokanee salmon, cutthroat, yellow perch and rainbow-cutthroat hybrid.  Enjoy this quiet lake with our premier watercraft services!

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