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Ochoco ReservoirOffering the nicest in Ochoco Reservoir boat rentals, jet skis, waverunners, water sports, and boat tours on the water at this beautiful lake in Oregon.  The Ochoco Dam creates the reservoir with a hydraulic-fill structure on Ochoco Creek east of Prineville, Oregon.  The State Parks located on both the Prineville and Ochoco Reservoirs are among the most heavily used in the state.  Ochoco Reservoir has 8 miles of shoreline. 

For any fishermen the present fish species include rainbow trout and brown bullhead which are in fair supply.  Except for the campground and dam, almost all of the reservoir's shoreline is private land.  Enjoy our watercraft services at the lake with must be reserved ahead of time.  You can also enjoy biking, hiking, sightseeing, and wind surfing available around the park.

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