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Lake SammamishOffering information on Lake Sammamish boat rentals and jet ski company at this State Park in Washington State.  This lake is a 512-acre day use park with 6,858 feet of waterfront to enjoy water sport activities; the area around the lake was an important culture zone for local Native American tribes for centuries.  The park provides a nice forest and wetland vegetation for the enjoyment of visitors and groups.  A salmon-bearing creek and a great-blue-heron rookery are additional features to enjoy for all ages.  Our watercraft rental, flyboard, and boat tour services are enjoyable for all skill levels and we do require you reserve in advance to be able to accommodate your requests.

Lake Sammamish history is a freshwater lake located east of Seattle in King County, WA.  The lake is approximately 8 miles long and 1.4 miles wide, with a maximum depth of 105 feet and a surface area of 8 sq miles.  It lies east of Lake Washington and west of the Sammamish Plateau, and stretches from Issaquah in the south to Redmond in the north.  Enjoy during the summer month for vacationers around the world and local communities.  At Issaquah it is fed by Issaquah Creek, and at Redmond it drains to Lake Washington via the Sammamish River.  The 98 square miles Lake Sammamish watershed stretches from Redmond through Bellevue, and Issaquah to Preston and Hobart, and consists of numerous creeks which flow into the lake.

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