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Mcphee ReservoirThe source to McPhee Reservoir boat rentals and water sport service company which is located in Montezuma County, Colorado.  This State Park is second largest artificial body of water in Colorado creating an amazing opportunity for boat lovers to enjoy wakeboarding, tubing, water skiing, wake surfing, boat tours, and more!  McPhee Reservoir is named for McPhee, Colorado, a company town founded by the New Mexico Lumber Company, that is now submerged under the reservoir. 

The lake itself may be accessed from near Dolores, Colorado by CO-145 and CO-184, and offers various boat-launching facilities, hiking, jet skis, waverunners, biking, watercraft, picnic areas, and campgrounds in the McPhee Recreation Area.  The lake fills the lower end of the Dolores Valley, with the dam completed in 1985 across Dolores Canyon.  Enjoy the lake that can accommodate all group sizes of family, friends, or business lake vacation retreats.

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