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Turquoise LakeVisitor guide and website to Turquoise Lake boat rentals and watercraft tour services on this reservoir.  This is a popular destination for many campers, water sport enthusiast, and anglers in Colorado.  It provides nice views and provides fine fishing for rainbows, browns and lakers.  Turquoise Reservoir is in a high alpine setting with an abundance of hiking, water skiing, jet skis, wakeboarding, kneeboarding, wakesurfing, and biking trails available. 

Numerous high mountain lakes are set in the wilderness areas around the lake and can provide a great day hike adventure.  The amenities of nearby Leadville, CO provide a great retreat for the campers looking to enjoy some local flavor and accommodations.  Abundant facilities for visitors like; campgrounds, boat ramps, marina, and scenic vistas make this one of the most enjoyable places to fish in the State.  To get here from I-70 West take CO 91 to Leadville.  In Leadville go west on Turquise Lake Road for 4 1/2 miles to the lake.

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