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Lake ShastinaInformation visitor guide to Lake Shastina boat rentals and watercraft tour company on the lake.  It is located right off the banks of the pristine and clean Lake Shastina, the town of Lake Shastina California is a very nice place to enjoy water sports.  Come and enjoy family or group vacation to relax and not worrie or stressed with the daily routine, unwind and let the natural beauty and serenity of Shastina Lake overtake you.  This is the reason why a trip to Lake Shastina is great for all ages.

The area of Lake Shastina is one that is well-known for its environmental concern and greener-image.  The lake itself offers a plethora of water activities that includes swimming, fishing, boating, water-skiing, wakeboarding, and hiking the many trails that surround the lake.  Mount Shasta, which is the centerpiece of the area is majestic grace and difficult to take your eyes from it!  This town offers activities throughout the entire year so come and enjoy our high end boat rentals and lake tours from our company today!

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