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Banks LakeOffering the best information on Banks Lake boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and boat tours on this 27-mile long reservoir in central Washington.  Part of the Columbia Basin Project, Banks Lake occupies the northern portion of the Grand Coulee, a formerly dry coulee near the Columbia River.  All types of outdoor recreation is allowed which may include; boating, fishing, tubing, water skiing, flyboarding, wakeboarding, camping, wakesurfing, and stand up paddle boarding. 

Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River created Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake, the reservoir on the river behind the dam.  The surface of Lake Roosevelt is several hundred feet above the original Columbia River, making it easier to pump water 280 feet up and out of the river's canyon into the adjacent Grand Coulee.  Two low earth-fill dams, Dry Falls Dam and North Dam, keep the water in the Grand Coulee, thus creating the reservoir named Banks Lake.

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