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North Sterling ReservoirEnjoy the best source for boat rentals and watercraft services on North Sterling State Park and reservoir, located just north of Sterling; which provides recreational opportunities for northeastern Colorado.  The lake measures nearly 3,000 surface acres at full capacity.  This large, spacious reservoir on the high plains draws locals and tourists alike from May through September and waterfowl hunters during the hunting season.  Experience our water sport tours where you can learn wakeboarding, water skiing, kneeboarding, wake surfing, air chair, and wakeskating.

North Sterling State Park is a gateway to fun and relaxation.  Elks Campground is open year-round.   A boater's paradise, this large irrigation reservoir offers great coves and fingers to explore during the spring and summer months.  Anglers, boaters and jet skis enjoy the water all day, while land lovers hike, bike, or picnic.  North Sterling has over 140 well-maintained campsites if you are planning an extend stay.

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