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HuntingtonHuntington Reservoir and State Park is a beautifully landscaped lake with 237 acres of boating, wakeboarding, jet ski rentals, swimming and fishing fun.  Huntington State Park is located just outside Huntington on State Route 10 at the base of the Wasatch Plateau.  The parks Facilities include 22 camping units, numerous picnic sites, modern rest rooms, showers, sewage disposal station, boat launching and a large covered group-use pavilion. 

Try a new water sport behind a powerboat rental from Invert Sports, or go full services with our no hassle boat charters at Huntington Reservoir.  Enjoy outdoor water sport activities which include; boat tours, wakeboarding, water skiiing, tubing, kneeboarding, wakesurfing, wake skating, stand up paddle boards, and more!

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