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Paonia ReservoirInformation on Paonia Reservoir boat rental company servicing this nice State Park where you can plunge deep into nature at this narrow lake park with 271 acres of water filled fun!  Steep mountainsides, pristine water, alpine scenery and peaceful environment make Paonia a haven for water and outdoor adventures. 

Camp and experience new jet skis, waverunners, watercraft, tours, water-ski, wakeboard, tubing, on a mountain reservoir, have a picnic and observe the view of majestic Ragged Mountains.  Getting here from Glenwood Springs, take CO 82 south to Carbondale, then south on CO133 for 46 miles to the park.  From Delta, take Highway 92 east to Hotchkiss, then go north on Highway 133 through Paonia and 16 miles farther to the park.

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