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Shaver LakeInformation visitor center on Shaver Lake boat rentals and watercraft service company located on the water offering waverunners, tours, rentals, and water sport lessons.  Shaver Lake is an artificial lake on Stevenson Creek, in the Sierra National Forest of Fresno County, California.  The elevation is 5,500 ft, several smaller streams also flow into the lake and receives water from the underground tunnels of Southern California Edison's Big Creek hydroelectric project.  The town Shaver Lake marina and resort is located on its south-west shore so you can get all the amenities for your lake vacation.  You can also visit the Sierra Marina which has some boating amenities.

The lake was formed with the construction of Shaver Lake Dam, which was built by Southern California Edison and completed in 1927.  The area now covered by the lake was extensively logged before the dam was built, and an extensive log flume system several miles long was constructed to bring logs down the mountain; this creates a great location for hiking and exploring the area.  The town to this day maintains a nostalgic logging theme on most buildings. Several unique places in town are in fact old, converted sawmills. 

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