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Lake GranbyYour source for Lake Granby boat rentals, jet skis, water sports, and watercraft tour services on the water at this beautiful lake near the Winter Park area.  This reservoir, serving the Front Range-Greeley area since it's opening.  With forty miles of shoreline, fishing is a huge draw, especially since it is regularly stocked and subsequently has a thriving population of mackinaw trout, browns and rainbows, as well as salmon.  As part of the Arapaho National Recreation Area, Lake Granby is the second largest body of water in Colorado, and it is over 220 feet in some places.  A popular location for water sport recreation; wakeboarding, water skiing, wake surfing, kneeboarding, wake skating, tubing, flyboard, fishing, and camping.  The Continental Divide towers on the horizon, making for an impressive backdrop. 

Boat docks are available at the Highland marina and all watercraft rentals are available through Invert Sports.  Fishing licenses are required; Lake Granby is known for its record-size trout, some weighing in over 30 pounds and measuring over three feet in length!   Lake Granby is the first lake you'll see after traveling from the Winter Park area toward the town of Grand Lake; it's about a 24 minute drive.  Drive north on US Highway 40 from Winter Park through Granby, and then turn right onto Highway 34, East toward Grand Lake.  The Arapaho Bay sign is on the right, and County Rd. 6/Forest Rd. 125 indicates the first turnoff for this lake.

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