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Lake ElsinoreLake Elsinore must have information about jet ski rentals, wakeboard boats, flyboarding, and guided lake tours.  This lake was originally Laguna Grande, is the largest natural freshwater lake in Southern California and is situated at the lowest point within the 750 square mile San Jacinto Watershed at the terminus of the San Jacinto River, where its headwaters are found on the western slopes of San Jacinto Peak with its North Fork, and Lake Hemet with its South Fork.  Enjoy everything you need for a day on the lake that offers all the amenities for boating.

Lake levels are healthy at 1,244 feet above sea level with a volume of 30,000 acre which will fluctuate often, although much has been done recently to prevent the lake from drying up, flooding, or becoming stagnant.  At 1,255 feet, the lake would spill into the outflow channel on its northeastern shore, known properly as Temescal Wash, flowing northwest along I-15, which feeds Temescal Creek, which dumps into the Santa Ana River just northwest of the City of Corona.  It then flows to Orange County, out to the Pacific Ocean just south of Huntington State Beach.

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