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Official visitors guide to Utah boat rentals and watercraft service company and website that has everything outdoors; boating, jet skis, watercraft, water sports, waverunners, flyboard, camping, hiking, fishing, camping and more.  Utah is a state in the Western United States considered a desert state with lots of mountains.  Oddly enough Utah has over 99 boating lakes in the state with 36 of the lakes allowing motorized water sports, boat tours, power boats, stand up paddle boards, and jet ski rentals.

The state is a center of recreation, information technology and research, government services, mining, and a major tourist destination for outdoor.  The population estimates in Utah was the fastest–growing state in the United States as of 2008. St. George, Utah, was the fastest–growing metropolitan area in the United States from 2000 to 2005.  Invert Sports is the largest provider of high quality watercraft rentals in the state serving all 36 boating lakes; we also service thirteen other states with other locations throughout the western United States.

Utah Boat RentalsUtah was the forty fifth state to join the Union, on January 4, 1896.  Fun facts about Utah is they are the 13th most extensive, the 34th most populous, and the 10th least densely populated of the fifty United States.  Most people live along the Wasatch Front, centering on Salt Lake City and near by Utah County. 

The name “Utah” is derived from the name of the Ute tribe and means “people of the mountains” in the Ute language.  Utah is bordered by Arizona on the south, Colorado on the east, Wyoming on the northeast, Idaho on the north and Nevada on the west.  It also touches a corner of New Mexico.  Enjoy a lake trip with family, friends, or corporate business retreat with our executive watercraft rentals and charters.

Enjoy all types of boating vacations with a variety of scenery at these beautiful lakes, reservoirs, and rivers in the state of Utah which include; Lake Powell, Bear Lake, Deer Creek Reservoir, Utah Lake, East Canyon, Hyrum, Jordanelle Marina, Millsite, Otter Creek, Palisade Reservoir, Quail Creek, Red Fleet Reservoir, Rockport Reservoir, Sand Hollow, Scofield Reservoir, Starvation Reservoir, Steinaker Reservoir, Willard Bay, Yuba Reservoir, Pineview Reservoir, Flaming Gorge, Strawberry Reservoir, Electric Lake, Huntington Reservoir, Joe's Valley, Mantua Reservoir, Mona Reservoir, Navajo Lake, Piute Reservoir.

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