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Alamo LakeInformation on Alamo Lake State Park boat rentals and jet ski rental.  Alamo Lake is one of Arizona's best kept secrets because hardly anyone knows and used this lake, which makes it a great destination for those who want to learn new water activities. The stark desert beauty is reflected off the water.  Cacti dot the mountainous landscape that surround the lake.

Nestled in the Bill Williams River Valley away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Alamo Lake State Park offers outdoor fun, wakeboard lessons, waverunner rentals, kneeboard instruction, slalom skiing, watercraft rentals, premier bass fishing, rest and relaxation.  For nature lovers, spring rains bring an abundance of wild flowers and the lake environment attracts a variety of wildlife year round, including bald and golden eagles, waterfowl, foxes, coyotes, mule deer and wild burros.  Stargazers are sure to enjoy the unbelievable view of the night sky with the nearest city lights some forty miles away at Alamo Lake!

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