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Lindbergh LakeVisitor guide to Lindbergh Lake watercraft services which inlcude, boats, jet skis, water sports, and chartered tours on the water.  This lake has a quite outdoor feel with beautiful scenery and two mountain ranges to explore and hike.  To get here go north on Hwy. 83 from Clearwater Junction or south from Swan Lake near Bigfork, Montana.  The lake has 815 acres at an elevation of 4494 ft. above sea level. 

The lake is about 15 miles north of Seely Lake, Montana another great destination for our services.  The Mission Mountains are to the west and the Rocky Mountains and the Bob Marshall is to east.  The lake has most species of fish with Westslope Cutthroat, Kookanee, Lake, and Whitefish.   The road to the lake is gravel and there are camp grounds near the lake.  It crosses the Swan River very close to where it begins to flow north.

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