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Starvation Starvation Reservoir and State Park offer ski boat rentals, waverunner rentals, sea doo, PWC personal watercraft rentals, and guided boat tours of this lake.  The name for this lake is probably explained for the name involves settlers in the early 1900s trying to survive along the banks of the Strawberry River, in the area now occupied by the reservoir.  These settlers dealt with near starvation in a hostile environment.  Winters in the area are long and cold, and their livestock often died.  The area’s short growing season was hindered by floods, hail, frost and other difficult situations.  These settlers nicknamed the area Starvation.

Starvation State Park & Reservoir offers 3,500 acres of year-round fishing and boating fun four miles northwest of Duchesne on Highway 40 which is about an two hour drive from Utah Valley or Salt Lake Valley.  Starvation Reservoir is well worth the drive if you have a couple days to spend on the lake, with little to no boaters, and generally good water conditions this lake is great for wakeboarding, water skiing, wakesurfing, kneeboarding, boat tours, kneeboarding, stand up paddle boards and sunbathing.  A 54-unit campground, sandy beach, modern rest rooms, showers, group-use area, and fish cleaning and sewage disposal stations are available at Starvation.

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