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Pearrygin LakeOffering information on Pearrygin Lake boat rentals, jet skis, watercraft, water sports, and boat charters at the lake.  This state park is a camping park with more than 1,200 acres in the Methow Valley of north central Washington.  The park features expansive green lawns and beautiful scenery leading to 11,000 feet of waterfront on Pearrygin Lake which is a great location for all group sizes. 

The lake offers swimming, fishing, hiking, exploring, and boating.  Old willows and ash provide shade on hot summer days.  Hikers can also walk the Rex Derr trail, a three mile loop through the east campground and along the shrub steppe hillside above Pearrygin Lake.  View our watercraft rentals and charter pages to see what activities you would like to enjoy at the lake.

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