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Click on this link to view all our waverunner models

WaverunnerOfficial information on waverunner rentals for your vacation at any one of the beautiful lakes you would like to visit.  Offering amazing three passenger waverunner rentals from Yamaha which have a lot of amazing performance!  These jet wave runners allow you to cruise across the water, or pull people behind the waverunner rental on a tube, kneeboard, wakeboard, double skis, wake skating, or one of our favorite new water sports the zapata flyboard water jet pack! 

Successfully towing water toys behind our waverunner rentals dose require optimal weight, skill, and wave runner capitan knowledge. Offering the newest model four stroke, 1100 cc engines with optimal gas economy, and speed. Our premier jet ski is the Yamaha 1812cc Super Charged FX Sho, VXR and VXS models for those who crave speed and the stand up waverunner!

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