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Horsetooth ReservoirInformation on the best Horsetooth Reservoir boat rentals, jet skis, and watercraft service company at this large lake and State Park in southern Larimer County, Colorado just west of the city of Fort Collins, Colorado. The reservoir sits in the foothills above the town on the western side of the Dakota Hogback, which contains the reservoir along its eastern side.  Enjoy the marina and all the services which include; water sports, wakeboading, water skiing, waverunners, tours, flyboard, boats, wake surfing, and more! 

The reservoir runs north-south for approximately 6 miles, and is approximately one-half mile wide.  The reservoir is a supplementary source of municipal water for Fort Collins and other communities in the region, as well as for irrigation in the South Platte River valley.  The reservoir takes its name from Horsetooth Mountain, a summit in the foothills west of the southern end of the reservoir making it a nice location for locals and visitors to the area.

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