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Folsom LakeOfficial visitor center and guide for Folsom Lake boat rentals and jet skis located at the base of the Sierra foothills.  Folsom Lake State Recreation Park is home to an 18,000-acre lake with activities for boating, waverunners, running, camping, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, water-skiing and jet ski rentals.  Types of fish you can catch are trout, catfish, big and small mouth bass or perch which are a great catch during all seasons.  Folsom Lake is water lovers dream lake, and is a reservoir in Northern California about 25 miles northeast of Sacramento in Placer, El Dorado, and Sacramento Counties.

The lake is formed by Folsom Dam, constructed in 1955 to control the American River. The Folsom Lake State Recreation Area marina, resort, and launch ramp is managed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation.  There are three campgrounds at the lake -- Beal's Point and Peninsula campgrounds which are located on Folsom Lake and Negro Bar campground at Lake Natoma.  Beal's Point and Negro Bar are developed campgrounds and have all the amenities; Beal's Point is open year round.   Peninsula is a remote campground so call and make sure it's open. We always recommend that you reserve you boat and or campground in advance to make sure there is availability.

Folsom Lake Boat RentalsFor pedal bikers, there is a 30-mile long bicycle path that connects Folsom Lake with many Sacramento County parks before reaching Old Sacramento. The park also includes Lake Natoma, downstream from Folsom Lake, which is popular for crew races, sailing, kayaking, corporate group parties, and other aquatic sports. Enjoy our premier watercraft rentals and tour services at all lakes in beautiful California.  The summer hours for Granite Bay, Beals Point, Folsom Point, Negro Bar and Browns Ravine Marina are 6 am to 9 pm during the summer months.

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