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Wahweap Marina
Wahweap Marina Boat Rentals

Official visitor guide to Wahweap Marina boat rentals and watercraft rental at Lake Powell which offers most amenities, but just in case you can’t find what you are looking for in the Wahweap national park, the city of Page, Arizona is just a few miles to the south, about 15 min drive where you can find almost anything you need.  Wahweap Marina is the most used marina at Lake Powell, and offers the widest variety of amenities including ski boat rentals, jet ski rentals, water sport lessons, and PWC personal watercraft rentals.  There are three boat docks and launch ramps within the Wahweap Marina which are State Line dock, Lone Rock Beach and Sand Dock, and Wahweap Dock.  There is also a large beach area, camping grounds with full hookups, and beaches where you can RV or rough it close to the famous “Lone Rock” in the middle of Lake Powell’s waters.  Lone Rock beach is popular with the younger crowds and offers camping right by the water front.

Lake Powell and Wahweap Marina was created by impounding the water of the Colorado River by the Glen Canyon Dam.  Numerous species of fish are in Lake Powell which offers amazing fishing, including both small mouth and large mouth bass, striped bass, crappie, channel catfish, sunfish and walleye.  Local activities at Wahweap Marina include Colorado River trips down to Lee’s Fairy in Marble Canyon, Wahweap wakeboard boat rentals, Wahweap Houseboat Rentals, Wahweap jet ski rentals, Lake Powell boat tours, Dinner cruises, flyboard water jet pack instruction, and on land there are several eateries nearby including a pizzeria, coffee shops at the Wahweap Marina in Lake Powell.  Enjoy Wahweap water sport lesson which are wakeboard lessons, water skiing, wake surfing instruction, kneeboarding, air chair, and tubing for the kids all provide by Invert Sports Executive Services Group Company at Lake Powell.

Kneeboard Lesson & Instruction
Kneeboard Lessons

Kneeboard lessons is a more difficult water sport to start with because of balancing the board while trying to get your knees on top of the board, and set in place.  Once a person can bring both knees up at the same time and keep the kneeboard level while doing it; the progression from there is quite simple.  Knee boarding lessons is one of the oldest water sports, and is popular with young kids who can start with their knees in position.  Invert Sports offers kneeboarding lessons at all lakes and reservoirs in the western states.  Read on to find out how to get up on a kneeboard.

The most common method of starting when it comes to knee boarding lessons is the belly start.  You start out lying down on your board with your stomach strap pointing towards the front of the board. Make sure the nose of the board is sticking up out of the water. Grasp the rope and kneeboard with both hands.  Once the boat starts moving you should pull your knees forward so that they fit into the padded knee-wells of the kneeboard.  When doing this it is important to keep your weight back and don't lean too far forward and make the board nose dive.  As you get balanced on the kneeboard, you can let go of the rope with one hand while pulling the strap over your knees.  Make sure you tighten the strap until it feels secure.  While doing this try to keep your arms extended and slightly bent.  

Air chair & Sky Ski Lessons
Air Chair & Sky Ski Lessons

Try our new Wakefoil, Hoverglide and Air Chair lessons offered by Invert Sports at all lakes and reservoirs in the United states.  Air Chair or Sky Ski is where someone is sitting on a Hydrofoil, and flying above the water on a seat.  Air Chair is a relatively new type of water sport activity and most people don't even know what it is.  This water sport is extremely unique, instead of riding on top of the water like with skiing or wakeboarding, you ride over the water; like your floating in the air.  The chair has a hydrofoil attached to a three foot long post which creates the lift to make the air chair glide smoothly over the top of the water.  This is a more difficult activity than most other water sports depending on the person, however it is one of the most amazing sports on the water, and takes little effort once you get the hang of it.  The hoverglide foilboarding is the newest water sport that is hitting the boating world by storm.  Enjoy a flying surfboard on a wakefoiler using a tow rope or using it without!

A couple pointer before you come out on air chair lessons.  Grab the rope and align it in front of the exposed part of the sky ski. If you are learning to get up, have the ski boat drag you very slowly (idle) in a straight line.  Try to learn to keep the Air Chair pointed in the direction of the boat at all times.  Mark sure you steer with the rope, and keep your body steel.  The Air Chair uses leverage as it's primary means of control.  When you move the rope to the right, it will pull you to the left; and vica versa. Control the angle of the Air Chair by compensating with the location of the rope, and remember balancing on the center of the seat will make all the difference.

The boat driver, instructor, and student will have to be patient; because you will get turned sideways more than once.  Have fun while learning, and don't get frustrated.  With the boat pulling you in a straight line, try to the keep the Air Chair straight.  As the boat accelerates keep your back straight, your arms outstretched and make minor adjustments to your direction with the location of the rope. As soon as the ski has planed, lean forward to keep the air chair down in the water.  As soon as you are up, ride on the ski.  Lean forward and keep the rope waist level to remain balanced.

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